Big Dog Life

Big dog life my 2 great Danes

Big Dog life is really a lifestyle all its own. Your every waking moment is dealing with their drama, intake and outtake. We have 2 large and loveable Great Danes, Yes they are gentle giants, but what you may not know is that they are angsty, anxiety, ridden, fearful little babies in an XL form. But they are also goofy, endearing and frustrate the heck out of you all while making you laugh. Total Goof Balls.

Their Big Size

Great Dane invading your space waiting for dinner

Yes Great Danes are large dogs. But large like gangly uncoordinated teens. They don’t know their strength or the space they are filling. That tail can clear shelves and dent appliances. Larkin, my lighter Dane, sleeps behind my neck on my shoulders and is always running through fence boards. Freja my darker Dane is more fearful so we’ll say graceful(insert eyeroll). Until an hour before every meal then your space is hers until she is fed(—>).

Nosy Posy Life

Great Dane being nosy with the neighbors

We live in the middle of a circle with a park directly behind us. These two have the biggest nose problem. They cannot stand to not know what is going on. Larkin is the worst. Always finding a vantage point to get the good gossip.

The Best Pics

Great Dane running big dog life

The best pictures to truly show off a Great Dane, are action photos. With their mouths and jowls flailing out of control. Feet and legs going unknown directions. As well as the bizarre looks in their eyes. I take a million pictures just to get a few priceless ones. But we love our fur babies.